• Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Digital Transformation Solutions

  • Our Capabilities

Digital transformation is the umbrella that defines our capabilities.

  • Innovative Solutions

ConServ innovation is focused on building IoT use case scenarios with its analytics that provide solutions to its clients.

  • Deep Technicalities

Our technical expertise spans design, infrastructure, networking, datacenters and edge computing.

  • System Integration

Our capabilities in implementation of large scale projects, operation and project management is key to our clients.

  • Productive Consultancy

Our consultancy capabilities enables us to be the trusted advisor to our clients and lead them through the journey of transformation.

  • Digital Transformation

ConServ understanding of the dynamics and foundation of digital transformation is profound. With its accumulated expertise in latest technologies like lot, big data, Analytics and artificial intelligence. ConServ is the right choice for transformation of business and operations in various fields.

Digital Transformation Services

  • End to End enterprise digital transformation
  • Smart Cities
  • Iot use case scenarios and solutions
  • Network and datacenters infrastructure services
  • Design services, implementation and operation
  • Consultancy

Enterprise Digital Transformation

Customer Experience Higher Productivity Smart Decision Making.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Assisted Decision making:

Big data, data modeling and analytics enables decision makers to make informed decisions.

  • Infrastructure, Connectivity & Datacenters:

Providing the necessary IT infrastructure leverages data portability and user mobility.

  • Moving business process to business intelligence

Business processes automation relying on big data and analysis will move the enterprise to business intelligence.

  • Data Analytics & Business Intelligence

Analytics is a key element to show patterns and provide 360 views of information.

  • Leverage BIG data as a min source of intelligence

Accumulated data from loT or enterprise operation constitutes big data.

  • Enterprise Resource Planning or other manufacturing systems

Enterprise overall resource planning ERP.

ConServ Offerings

ConServ has its own offering for all Enterprise Digital transformation phases. Leverage our deep technical and understanding of the enterprise Digitization transformation model, we bring the highest ROl.

  1. Infrastructure, Connectivity and Datacenters.
  2. Moving business process to Business Intelligence.
  3. Enterprise Resource Planning or other manufacturing systems.
  4. Leverage BIG data as a min source of intelligence.
  5. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence.
  6. Artificial Intelligence and Assisted Decision making.
  7. ConServ provides networking and datacenters design, implementation and operation.
  8. ConServ provides BPM and automations using latest workflow and smart code.
  9. ConServ Provides full ERP solutions based on ODOO to that covers all market verticals.
  10. ConServ has the capabilities to build structured data management and integrate with other systems.
  11. ConServ development team has extensive capabilities to build smart analytics, dashboards and other data visualization tools.
  12. ConServ can provide inherited intelligence and automated decision making process based on analytics.

Smart Cities

Concept and Framework

Smart cities concept is all about sustainability, efficient facility management, creating unique and high quality tenants experience with creating new revenue streams for city developers.
The digitization of service become an enabler not only for a better tenants life but also for a higher productivity and increased business growth.
Anywhere anytime internet connectivity gives the ground for higher mobility which leads to higher productivity.
The ample amount of data that a smart city can collect about tenants, can be further analyzed to identify further – endless – opportunities.

Most Common Services

ConServ provides end to Smart Cities framework and services. Starting with Consultancy services and ending with full implementations. ConServ provides Command and control center that controls all smart city services under an umbrella and providing analytics and Artificial intelligence.

  • City Sustainability Energy Savings/ Water Savings
    Energy consumption management and control.
  • Security, Surveillance and intelligent Recognition
    Safety and security is one of the major pillars of smart cities.
    Controlled access and surveillance camera control.
  • Street lightening comes as one of the major energy wasting
    Automating its operation leads to saving.
  • Waste management and Waste collection control
    Smart waste management helps environment and more
    healthy society.
  • Smart parking and smart traffic
    Assisted parking allocator and parking slots management
    helps reduce wasted time parking vehicles.

IoT and Analytics

ConServ build solution based on loT use cases with the smart analytics/ Mobile applications to help benefit from the big data loT devices and sensors transmits. ConServ has build two loT based solutions Altima trucks tracking system. iBest school buses tracking system. With a lot of innovative ideas that covers multiple verticals like:

  • Oil and Gas
  • Government Departments
  • Education etc.. Yet to be implemented